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Trademark Application In 30 Minutes
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Trademark registration has become very important nowadays. The steps for registration are as follows:
STEP 1: Trademark Search:
Before filing a trademark, one must do a trademark public search on the website. A trademark search will help one to see whether there are any similar marks. If there are no similar marks, then they can go for filing.
STEP 2: Trademark Filing:
The next step is trademark filing; after the trademark search, if there are no similar marks, they can go for trademark filing through e-filing in the trademark registry.
STEP 3: Examination:
After trademark filing, it will go for examination, which will take 12-18 months. During the examination period, either it will be accepted or objected to by the registry. If the mark is objected to, then a reply will be filed within one month of the objection.
STEP 4: Publication:
The next step is publication; after the mark is accepted, it will go for publication in the trademark journal. Then after publication, within four months, any third party can oppose the advertised mark. After the opposition by the opponents, the applicant will produce a counter statement within two months of the Notice of Opposition.
STEP 5: Registration:
The next important step is registration; the trademark registry will issue the certificate with the official seal.
STEP 6: Renewal:
A trademark must be renewed after ten years from the date of application.
These are all the trademark registration proceedings, and we at IPRinn Associates can help you get your trademark registration effortlessly.
What is a Trademark, and Why do I Need One?
What is a trademark? Learn why all businesses should consider trademark protection for their business name, logos, and brand symbols. Indeed, you’ve heard the term “Trademark or Trade Mark” However, you may not be clear on how trademarking could benefit your business. Do you need to consider trademarking? What can you trademark? How do you get started? Trademarks fall under the broader meaning of “intellectual property law”(IP), copyrights, patents, and Industrial Design. Intellectual property protection can be a vague and complex area of law and business.
What Is a Trademark or brand?
A trademark or brand protects the specific, unique name, logo, sound and symbols pertaining to your products or business brand. Trademark protection may apply to business names, symbols, logos, sounds, tastes and even colours.
Examples of different types of trademarks
Trademarking Protects Your Brand and goodwill.
Intellectual property laws exist so competitors cannot steal Inventions, names, or symbols from other businesses. Trademarking is just good business – it’s easy and ensures that other competitors aren’t piggybacking off your hard work and brand building.
Your trademark will last ten years, after which you’ll need to renew it.